Appel à protestation du Réseau des Enseignants Universitaires contre le plan du gouvernement Hongrois visant à supprimer le Master « Etudes sur le Genre »



I think that it is very important to maintain this course. In Milano Bicocca University we have a great research activities on gender issues and an interdepartmental centre called "ABCD for Gender Studies" . There is also a course called " Women, Politic and institutions" organised every year with the support of the Department for equal opportunities od the Council of Ministers of the Italian Government!

(Parma, 2018-08-15)


Botrányos. Buta és botrányos

(Budapest, 2018-08-15)


This is an unnecessary, arbitrary decision designed to silence critical insight into gender, inequality and structural disadvantage. I suggest those who proposed or supported this idea enrol on a gender studies course asap to enlighten themselves and improve their public service.

(Folkestone, 2018-08-15)


I believe in freedom of conscience, thought, and expression. This is a gross assault on a civil society.

(Oxford, 2018-08-15)


Fontosnak tartom, hogy lehessen magas színvonalon beszélni róla, tenni érte és később akár befolyásolhatja a gondolkodásmódunkat.

(Szeged, 2018-08-15)


In favour of academic freedom and against patriarchy, homophobia and reactionary acts by authoritarian governments.

(Bristol, 2018-08-15)


Academic freedom matters.

(London, 2018-08-15)


It is important to continue Gender studies, the society is in need of developing a basic understanding of gender, social roles and discriminatiory patterns based on it.

(Islamabad, 2018-08-15)


I object to the violation of academic freedom.

(Evanston, Illinois, 2018-08-15)


Tűrhetetlen, hogy a kormány beleszól a tudomány és a felsőoktatás (ugyanígy a közoktatás) tartalmi kérdéseibe.
Tűrhetetlen, hogy a kormány korlátozza a tanszabadságot.
Tűrhetetlen, hogy a kormány kockára teszi tudósok és egyetemi oktatók szakmai karrierjét, megélhetését.

(Budapest, 2018-08-15)


Der ganze Vorgang ist aus akademischer und auch aus demokratischer Sicht absolut inakzeptabel. Hier wird politisch autoritär in Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsinstitutionen sowie Fachgebiete interveniert, die maßgeblich zur Kultivierung einer kritischen und differenzierten öffentlichen Auseinandersetzung über gesellschaftliche Fragen beitragen.

(Marburg, 2018-08-15)


Ich unterschreibe für die Freiheit der Wissenschaft und weil Gender Studies eminent wichtige Beiträge für egalitäre, freie, demokratische Gesellschaften leisten.

(Wien, 2018-08-15)


I'm signing because I believe Hungary can be a safe place for everyone. Going after a community that studies the systematic oppression of the queer community is, among other things, tantamount to the worst kind of repression and segregation.

(New York, 2018-08-15)


I'm signing because the study of 'gender' looks (in part) at how girls and boys are socialised into becoming women and men, respectively, in ways which limit the valuable potential of both. This is not to deny biology. It is to look at the way such socialisation goes way beyond biology.

(Edinburgh, 2018-08-15)


Szerintem nem helyénvaló, hogy oktatásban nem kompetens politikusok döntenek az oktatásban kompetens egyetemek helyett, hogy milyen szakot oktathassanak, illetve ne oktathassanak.

(Kaposvár, 2018-08-15)


I oppose governmental efforts to ban masters programs in Gender Studies.

(Hamilton, 2018-08-15)


I sign to defend academic freedom and the world-wide recognized scientific discipline of gender studies

(Madrid, 2018-08-15)


Gender Studies sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des akademischen Diskurs jeder Gesellschaft und der Fortbestand für die Auseinandersetzung mit den geschlechterverhältnissen unabdingbar !!!

(Wien, 2018-08-15)


Szabadságot! Demokráciát! Független tudományos életet!

(Szeged, 2018-08-15)


Knowledge from gender stydies is essential to understand how gender inequalities are reproduced and changed which is crucial in order to achieve and sustain democracy and fundamental human rights.

(Saltsjöbaden, 2018-08-15)


Understanding gender relations is a necessity for critically evaluating how we live as societies!

(Vancouver, 2018-08-15)