The secret of Kim Sun Bin's bewilderment and Choi Hyung Woo's death
This was the reason why Choi failed to steal a base. Kia scored two runs first in the first inning, and Choi hit a timely hit to take responsibility for one of the two runs and got on base. With two outs and a runner on first base, Kim Sun-bin entered the batter's box, and SSG starter Roenis Elias' ball control faltered, making it 3B. Then, the fourth pitch also came in low on his body. It was just a ball from common sense we have seen so far. Kim also thought it was a ball, and Choi Hyung-woo, the first baseman, thought the same.
Thinking it was a ball, Choi slowly moved to second base, thinking of a walk. However, Cole was a strike, and SSG catcher Lee Ji-young immediately threw the ball to first base, before catching Choi between first and second bases. Kim was puzzled, and so was Choi. However, the automated ball and strike determination system introduced this year was firm. It was a strike, Kim's at-bat was not over, and Choi was ruled out while attempting to steal a base.
Basically, he should have judged the ball count until the end of the judgment. It was Choi's mistake play. However, officials are showing interest in the scene. It is doubtful whether that was the real ball. Kia Tigers coach Lee Bum-ho also said he thought it was the next day's ball. Another data also showed that the ball was a ball. Some say that batters cannot simply pass by as lightly as they have to reset the zone setting, going beyond just one happening.
The tracking result of "Trackman," which provides tracking data to nine KBO League teams, was a ball. All nine teams except KIA were able to check this in real time. ABS system is recognized as a strike only when it passes through both the middle and the end of the zone. However, most people shake their heads as to whether the ball would have met both conditions. "In terms of data, the left and right sides are satisfied, but the last port was measured too low. However, it was not even a breaking ball," an official said, tilting his head, "The ABS system is said to consider the players' height, and if so, Kim Sun-bin is short, this should not be a strike."
The high satisfaction level of the ABS system is that the same zone is provided to at least all players in the same stadium that day, regardless of whether it is a strike or a ball. It is an aspect of equity. It has great significance in its own way. The accuracy itself is higher than that of an incomplete human being. There is no need to panic over the decision. According to the data released by the KBO, the success rate of the ABS system's pitch tracking has reached 99.9 percent. This means that 99.9 percent of the respondents followed the ball. On-site officials also admit this. However, there is a lot of controversy over whether the zone was properly set.
KBO said, "ABS S zone utilized various data to set both the zone under baseball rules and the average zone of existing referees as close as possible. This was a measure to realize a zone that is as close as possible to the S zone as the players are aware of. We reflected the opinions on the setting through a meeting with the coaches of the 10 teams, and it was finally confirmed through the discussion of the implementation committee of the heads of the 10 teams who participated by collecting opinions from the respective teams." However, there are many opinions in the field that there should be another discussion on the setting of the zone. The current zone has too many unfavorable factors to batters.
In addition, there are consistent voices among industry insiders that the equipment should be upgraded in the future, given that it is an old model. A Major League official who visited Korea during the last Seoul Series said, "Currently, the ABS system is being tested in the U.S., and the reliability of the technology has been secured considerably," adding, "We are expected to go through an experiment soon to develop a system that can automatically apply the batting form of batters." However, the system that Major League Baseball is trying to introduce is a more advanced Hawk-Eye system in the PTS system currently used in the KBO League. Since there is a Hawk-Eye system, an ABS system that accurately considers the batting form of batters can come out.
"The PTS system cannot be more accurate than a trackman or a Hawk-Eye due to its innate characteristics," the source said. The PTS system is basically based on triangulation, but there must be shadow areas compared to Hawk-Eye, which tracks the ball with a high-speed camera, or Trackman, which tracks the ball with a radar. In fact, the PTS system disappeared into history in the U.S. in 2015 when Trackman was fully introduced and the Statcast era opened. Currently, college baseball is not used in college baseball either. In college baseball, people tend to prefer trackmen to high-priced Hawk-Eye.
PTS also tracked 99.9% of the ball, but it is another matter whether the 99.9% of the ball was judged to be 100% correct. KBO also cannot say that it is 100% accurate. Still, the ABS system is significant because it is much more accurate than a human being, but it seems necessary to set a zone where a wider range of opinions is collected and invest in more state-of-the-art facilities. If the ABS system is to evolve further next year, it must be prepared from now so that the upgrade can be introduced along with the start of next year.
BY: 안전 토토사이트
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