compteurs eau saint-lambert water meters

Un citoyen convaincu et tenace

/ #53 Oser... se tenir debout... perséver pour l'équité et le bon sens

2012-03-02 09:37

Une pensée d'un grand philosophe et historien de la mythologie pour inspirer notre démarche face à une Ville mal orientée.

"The hero journey is one of the universal patterns through which the radiance shows brightly. What I think is that a good life is one hero journey after another. Over and over again you are called to the realm of adventure, you are called to new horizons. Each time, there is the same problem: do I dare?

And then if you do dare, the dangers are there, and the help also, and the fulfillment or the fiasco. There's always the possibility of a fiasco.

"But there's also the possibility of bliss."

- Joseph Campbell