PÉTITION - Non à l'augmentation des parcomètres sur le Plateau

Steve Holmes

/ #54 Non a la hausse des parcometres

2010-11-19 20:05

It's highly debilitating that the government is trying to make every penny on our back. Already we are the highest taxed province and I know this petition will not help since we don't live in a democratic province we live in a dictatorship. The government pretends to care and gives us the shittiest healthcare available does not plow the snow in the winter does not fix our roads. The government is un-suable here, the house always wins, and while ur busy studying to become a doctor dot forget that when it's time to feed your kids at least half of your salary is gone each year in taxes so that the government can give out free vacations to their "government employees" and keep giving the mafia construction contracts because here in Quebec no one has balls. So this is not a petition but it's a message to fuck off.