Quoted post



2011-05-04 16:11

The Berger Blanc is a place that should be a safe place for animals that have been abanded or abused, but instead they are treated as a thing and killed. A living animal that breaths and bleeds like you and me and actually has feelings like me and some people. We have the same problem in the old age homes too. When will it end? As far as the animals though it is an embarrassement that our so called beautiful GOUV. of QUEBEC will not actually pass the law for animals. only in Quebec. What a sad place to live in.


Weak laws in Quebec

#1629 Re:

2011-05-04 17:27:40

#1625: -  

 Yes only in Quebec.  I'm ashamed.  Animals are treated as garbages after being tortured and killed in a so bad way.  Where is our government?  Does he know something about this?  Once in your life, please take action.  With our money, there is one you can use for welfare of animals which are in the same society as you and me.  They deserve attention and good care.  We're waiting for your action Mr Charest, Mrs Marois and the other ones. 


#1640 Re:

2011-05-04 21:21:49

#1625: -  " As far as the animals though it is an embarrassement that our so called beautiful GOUV. of QUEBEC will not actually pass the law for animals. only in Quebec. What a sad place to live in."

 Totaly agree with you ... what happens at berger blanc is the reflexion of our mentality that is so weak.  We just have to look around us , watch the news , desolation everywhere.