Les ratés du Rapibus - Les usagers mécontents exigent…


/ #5

2014-03-18 13:25

Thank you for continuing to not give up. It is ridiculous how it takes me double the time to get home now. That is an additional 30 minutes as I have to park on the road near Labrosse and walk 10 minutes to get the bus since taking two buses is not an option as I cannot change my work hours and I don't make it to the daycare in time. I took the 88 and it was not perfect but it was a hell of a lot better than this...the rapibus is still a pain in the ass with the stops at the intersections...yes it helps but the system would be beneficial with the express routes at least between the rush hour in the morning from 5:30-7:30 at least and 15:30-17:30 at night. C'est logique.....AND if they create a bus lane on the highway like in Ottawa they would certainly have more people take the bus and increase their funding. Someone is not using their brains at STO.